Agency Culture

A truly equitable, diverse and inclusive workplace is our ambition, and we will continue to work tirelessly to achieve this – within our own walls, on behalf of our clients and within our network of partners and suppliers. We accept that this means asking difficult, often uncomfortable questions of ourselves. We have pledged to keep asking these questions, to seek guidance and feedback and to continue to run educational and empowering programmes for our employee community.

We are proud that there is not, and never has been, any gender-based pay inequality within our organization. Our employee turnover is low and our community is closely-knit and loyal. Many members of our senior leadership team have been with the agency since early in their careers, and work together to foster and steward the agency’s culture and nurturing work environment.



Bacchus is proud to be a female-led agency. Our founders, Anouschka Menzies and Charlotte Lurot, have worked hand-in-hand since day one. Alongside the pursuit of excellence for all the agency’s clients, they have focused on building a purpose-driven, equitable and inclusive culture within the agency. Anouschka holds the title of Chief Development Officer, whilst Charlotte is the agency’s Chief Creative Officer. The leadership trifecta is completed by CEO, Daize Washbourn, whose background in the music industry brings a creativity and harmony to his leadership of the agency.


Our Approach

Our practice is strategic, imaginative and culturally informed - engaged with new technologies, digitally fluent and conscious of shifting priorities and values across the globe. Listening to our own people is equally important – blending the experience of our leadership team with the voices and perspectives of our younger community members. The regular ‘listening sessions’ give our leadership the opportunity to learn from the whole team, from interns up, as they debate vital cultural and societal topics. These sessions provide invaluable insights – primarily focused on people, planet and responsible business practice – which in turn are folded into our strategic considerations for all our clients.


Values + Social Responsibility

Honesty, Respect, Open-Mindedness, Humility, Kindness, Responsibility, Curiosity, Diligence and Good-Humour. These are the core values that unite us and drive us. We are proud of the social activism and action taken by so many members of our community – and seek to mirror this as an agency. Be it through the hundreds of hours of pro bono work done by the agency each year, or our support of causes that matter most to us: social equity, education and the environment.